
Code of Ethics


About DLCI


About DLCI


The Distance Learning Council was founded in 2009 to establish and uphold high standards of educational excellence in online and distance learning Higher education. People have been gaining formal academic training for decades. Today’s Distance learners are practicing the same kind of individual development as their predecessors who learned from Classroom courses.


 Formal education can no longer be thought of as only taking place within the confined walls of academic institutions. At the same time as the transmission of knowledge becomes easier at an ever increasing rate, so too does the notion of what constitutes a ‘student’.

The concept of a commitment to lifetime learning and the desire for self-improvement has fuelled a virtual education revolution. Students of the 21st century come from individuals of all ages, prior educational backgrounds, and from all over the world. Clearly in this dynamic environment, there is a need to establish criteria by which online and Distance educational programs can be measured. The Distance Learning Council has been designed to provide a level of quality and acceptability of Distance Learning degrees so that they may be understood as having passed professional scrutiny in the same manner as the traditional ‘brick and mortar’ educational institutions.

The Distance Learning colleges and universities which are accepted for The Distance Learning Council accreditation are committed to present students to the professional world who have successfully met and exceeded qualifications which parallel those of traditional campus-based institutions. To be accredited by The Distance Learning Council, an institution must provide full degree programs by Distance learning. Whether or not the institution also offers campus-based learning is of not relevant to membership in The Distance Learning Council. The integrity, reliability and quality of graduates from The Distance Learning Council member schools are the product of the organization’s structure and efforts.

The Distance Learning Council is a Non Government agency and it works on the principles of all major Educational accreditation Government agencies.
The Government of India promotes participation of all NGO’s through Planning commission in development of Educational sector.
We support the Government of India initiative of “Education for All” and take forward this objective in Higher education through Distance Learning Accreditation.



The Distance Learning Council offers accreditation to those institutions which meet, exceed and maintain specific criteria, as defined in “Accreditation Standards”.